Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Eat, Pray, Love

This is a book by Elizabeth Gilbert. I have use parts of her book here a couple of times. It is her real life journey to find herself, to seek answers about her spirituality and so much more...I highly recommend this book!! I also just came across this link "A different way to think about creative genius" I think that you creative people out there (or if you just want some inspiration) might enjoy what she has to say...

just BE.


Mark and Patty of Crystal Pyramid Productions in San Diego said...

Yes, be now. I am reminded of that each time I see a bumble bee cross my line of vision and shoot towards the velvety petals now dotting our plum tree. It's nice to have such reminders.

Anonymous said...

i loved Elizabeth Gilbert's so much to discover of shared experience and understanding... one of my favorites that has an honored spot on my book shelf...